(By : Dessy Ariadna – Stand To JESUS ​​Writing Team)

1 Timothy 4:7 (IMB) But reject defamatory myths and old grandmother’s tales, train yourself to worship.

Often I see Christians still believe in mythical things, even though God’s Word clearly forbids us from believing in myths. For example, there is a friend of mine who is afraid to leave the house when it is approaching dusk, he chooses to stay at home until dusk passes, then he will leave the house, the reason is because according to his grandmother’s story, people who leave the house at dusk can be unlucky. Of course this is not in accordance with the truth of God’s words, don’t believe anything that is wrong.

God’s Word itself says, reject myths because such things pollute, what do myths pollute? Yes, the minds of the people who listen and believe it. There are many people who believe in myths and end up living in fear and paranoia, afraid of this and that, until they forget that there is still a God who has the power to protect and protect them.

If you believe that your life is fine and under God’s protection, nothing will happen because God is protecting you, then what you believe will happen. Don’t let your mind be polluted by something wrong, which is not based on the truth of God’s word.

Titus 1:13-14 (IMB) This testimony is true; therefore rebuke them severely so that they become sound in the faith, so that they no longer pay attention to Jewish myths and human commandments, and turn away from the truth.

There are also certain Christians that I see on social media who are too focused and pay attention to myths which can be said to be stories that are outside the truth of God’s word, such as believing in the story that Adam had another wife besides Eve (Eve) named Lilith, but this story is just a myth that is not recorded in the word of God, another example is that there are people who believe the mythical story that Cain married his own mother Eve (Eve), which is why Cain was able to have a wife and children, of course this is also a clear fabricated story. there is no Biblical basis. There are many mythical stories about Biblical figures outside the Bible circulating that do not match what is recorded in the Bible itself, so why should we believe and pay attention to such myths?

1 Timothy 1:4 (IMB) and do not pay attention to endless myths and genealogies, which will cause more debate than build faith in God.

Children of God do not pay attention to myths that are not in accordance with the truth of God’s word. Instead of filling your heart and mind with myths, it is better to fill your heart and mind with the truth of God’s word.

2 Peter 1:16 (IMB) For when we announced to you the power and coming of our Lord JESUS ​​Christ, we did not follow fabricated myths, instead we were eyewitnesses of His greatness.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (IMB) For the time will come when they will no longer be able to accept sound teaching, instead, according to their own desires, they will gather together teachers just to please their ears. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn their attention to myths.


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