(By : Dessy Maharani – Stand To Jesus Writing Team)

Two days ago my friend told me that his friend invited him to worship at a house. At first he thought it was just an ordinary worship service like most Christian services which are held in homes in the form of family services. But when he entered the worship service at home, he was confused himself when he entered the “preaching the word” session. The person who preached called Cain, son of Adam, a god and greatly glorified Cain. My friend admitted that there was something strange about the worship he was attending but tried to persist until the end. When he returned home he was invited to join by the people at that place to become part of their congregation. My friend tried to ask what church they belonged to and where their church was located. One of the people answered that they were unchurched and that they themselves belonged to a Cainite group or sect which they recognized as “part of Christianity”.

Here I will review this sect in detail from history. In 200 AD a sect emerged called the Kainites, this sect really cared for Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, even worshiped him and deified him. The teachings of this sect assume that Cain had the knowledge to stop the original sin of Adam and Eve which made all humans sin through the murder he committed against Abel.

This heretical sect also teaches that the descendant of Eve referred to in the book of Genesis who will step on the snake’s head is Cain and he did this by killing Abel, who is considered by this heretical sect to be the “real snake”. In their worship and worship, all praise and worship they directed only to Cain. They did not believe that JESUS ​​was a descendant of Eve who stepped on the head of the snake. This sect uses the Gnostic Gospel which they call the Gospel of Judas Iscariot in their teachings. They also consider Judas Iscariot a hero. Kainites believe that what Judas did was part of a divine mission, resulting in the arrest and crucifixion of JESUS ​​Christ. The existence of the Cainite sect was also written about by Irenaeus in his book, Adversus Haeresis, in Lyon around 180 AD.

According to my friend’s account, after he attended worship at that sect, he often received calls from members of the Kainite sect who forced him to return to worship, none other than his friend who invited him to worship at that place who distributed his cellphone number to other “congregants”. They didn’t even hesitate to come to my friend’s house until my friend became disturbed and finally had to stay at his parents’ house for a while until they were no longer looking for him. He was also forced to change his cellphone number to avoid them.

Cainites are not part of Christianity and they are not Christians at all. Overall their teachings are completely contrary to Christian teachings and the Holy Bible. Their claim that they are part of Christianity is simply a trick so that they can be accepted by ordinary Christians who are not yet familiar with their teachings. Christians and Cainites are very different, Christians never taught that Cain was a god and never even deified Cain. Christians worship and believe in JESUS ​​Christ, believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are one, not Cain. Christians never glorify Judas Iscariot and call him a hero.

Be alert to all teachings that conflict with God’s word and our faith in JESUS ​​Christ. Don’t be easily influenced or tempted by such teachings. Always be alert and ask for wisdom from the Holy Spirit to distinguish what is from God and what is not from God.

Galatians 1:8-9 (IMB) However, if we or an angel from heaven preach a different gospel from the gospel we preached to you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a different gospel from the one you have received, let him be accursed!

Hebrews 13:9 (IMB) Do not be misled by foreign teachings. Because what is good for us is that our hearts are strengthened by grace, not by rules about food that do not benefit those who observe them.

Matthew 7:15 (IMB) “But beware of false prophets who come to you; they are clothed in sheep’s wool, but inside they are ravenous wolves.


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