(By : Dessy Maharani – Stand To JESUS ​​Writing Team)

There are several Christian public figures, artists, Instagram celebrities and TikTok celebrities who run nightclub businesses, this has sparked debate among Christians about whether or not Christians are allowed to run nightclub businesses. Let’s look at all this from the perspective of God’s word.

Ephesians 5:11-12 (IMB) Do not take part in fruitless works of darkness, but instead declare that they are wrong. Because the things they do in secret are something embarrassing, let alone talk about.

Ephesians 5:11-12 (ESV) Do not take part in the fruitless deeds of darkness, but instead be naked in those deeds. Because even mentioning what they do in hidden places is embarrassing.

What’s in a nightclub? Alcohol, bad women and men, even illegal drugs. Infidelity also often occurs in nightclubs and causes many homes to be destroyed, so what’s the point of starting a business that actually leads other people into Satan’s snare? For those of you who think you are a Christian but create a business that ultimately leads other people into the devil’s snare and leads many people to destruction, you as a business owner will be responsible for the souls that you are leading to destruction because of the business you are running.

There are many other businesses that can make you a lot of profit, so why take a shortcut by starting a business that you know can ruin a lot of other people’s lives just for the sake of profit? The nightclub business is an act of darkness that comes from the evil one and not from God. If you are truly a Christian and claim to be a child of God, you should not run a business that you yourself know is against God’s word. Don’t make God’s name blasphemed because of your actions. , God is able to bless you abundantly through other businesses, without having to take the shortcut of building a nightclub and leading many souls to destruction.

1 Thessalonians 5:5-8 (IMB) You are all children of light and children of the day, we are not people who live in darkness or children of the night. Therefore, let us be alert and remain conscious, and do not fall asleep like other people. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who are drunk, get drunk at night. But as people of the day, let us remain sober, while wearing the armor of faith and love, and wearing the helmet of hope for salvation.

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